Wednesday, April 13, 2005

notice the unnoticed

stArs. LOve. happiNEss.
spArkLe. rainbOw. suNshinE.
sugAr. miLk. hONEy.
dreAm. fabuLOus. eNchantmEnt.
pAradise. bLiss. wONdEr.
AngeL. devotiON. smilE.
AdorabLe. infatuatiON. gracE.
mAgic. gLOw. twiNklE.
flAwLess. cONtent. pErfect.
wArm. LuxuriOus. securE.
heAven. cLOud niNE.
speciAL. extraOrdiNary. uniquE.
hArmony. aLtOgether. uNitE.
dAnces. meLOdy. tuNE.
ideAL. diamONd. gEm.
spArk. coLOssal. fiNE.
fAiry. marveLOus. priNcE.
tALe. sOngs. priNcEss.
beAutifuL. goOd. NicE.
greAt. gLOry. graNdEur.
rAdiant. gLamOur. magNificEnt.
dAzzLing. rOyal. refiNEd.
hALO. spleNdid. purE.
AbLaze. aurOra. radiaNcE.
embrAce cLOse. entwiNE.
floAt. eLatiON. glidE.
sALute. smOoch. eNdEarment.
loyAL. fascinatiON. chErish.
AppeaLing. passiON. prEtty.

i’ve seen the gArden of shangri-La.
nOw see me staNding therE.

1 comment:

snd said...
