stArs. LOve. happiNEss.
spArkLe. rainbOw. suNshinE.
sugAr. miLk. hONEy.
dreAm. fabuLOus. eNchantmEnt.
pAradise. bLiss. wONdEr.
AngeL. devotiON. smilE.
AdorabLe. infatuatiON. gracE.
mAgic. gLOw. twiNklE.
flAwLess. cONtent. pErfect.
wArm. LuxuriOus. securE.
heAven. cLOud niNE.
speciAL. extraOrdiNary. uniquE.
hArmony. aLtOgether. uNitE.
dAnces. meLOdy. tuNE.
ideAL. diamONd. gEm.
spArk. coLOssal. fiNE.
fAiry. marveLOus. priNcE.
tALe. sOngs. priNcEss.
beAutifuL. goOd. NicE.
greAt. gLOry. graNdEur.
rAdiant. gLamOur. magNificEnt.
dAzzLing. rOyal. refiNEd.
hALO. spleNdid. purE.
AbLaze. aurOra. radiaNcE.
embrAce cLOse. entwiNE.
floAt. eLatiON. glidE.
sALute. smOoch. eNdEarment.
loyAL. fascinatiON. chErish.
AppeaLing. passiON. prEtty.
i’ve seen the gArden of shangri-La.
nOw see me staNding therE.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
pinkman's daily dose of melancholy
pinkman always likes balloons
one day he finds a nice red one
that has brighten pinkman's afternoon
brighter than stars, even than the sun
red balloon keeps floating by
so close, and so near
but pinkman can't deny
pinkman's nagged by a fear
a fear that he wouldn't be able to catch
that nice red balloon
or maybe it would be a mismatch
would pop or even fly to the moon
pinkman does nothing but stands still
trying to figure out which one's best
chase the balloon down the hill
or let go; give it a permanent rest
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